

  1. 答:现化通信技术给我们带来方便太多了,从以前为了传输信号用的风火台点狼烟到现在用电话和手机。从以前亲眼看到几百米景物到现在电视捍几千米几千公里里景物。从一个人讲话小范围几十人听到现在几万人或几亿人都能听的音视。从人记录信息甲骨文到现在计算机打印等
  1. 答:给 肯定是没有的 不过可以代劳的 如果你只是代劳的话 也就几百吧 如果是带写带发 950高定
  2. 答:毕业设计(论文)OFDM通信系统...创思通信毕业设计论文参考.doc
问:通信专业论文 中文摘要翻译
  1. 答:This article first orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has done a brief description, and on this basis, details of the OFDM baseband modulation and demodulation of the relevant parts of the system - MQAM and IFFT / FFT, and ultimately determine the software simulation The system parameters - in the context of 12 sub-carrier, use 32-ary quadrature amplitude modulation and 16-point fast Fourier transform to achieve this orthogonal frequency division multiplexing baseband system.
    At the same time this paper with the digital baseband signal transmission and descramble the scrambled part of a detailed description, and designed for performance analysis of different parameters in order to present a prehensive understanding of the system.
    老师一般都不看英文的。。 主要你论文格式OK就行,凑合用吧
